About Ilkka Halava

About Ilkka Halava

About Ilkka Halava

Ilkka is a futurist, business coach, board influencer, and a long-standing star in the Finnish speaking circuit. He is a societal influencer, thought leader, and a trusted partner for many organisations.

Ilkka has been the most popular speaker in Finland for over 12 years based on the number of speaking engagements. Friends and colleagues have described him as a warm-hearted radical and a like-minded thinker.

Together with Mika Pantzar, he has co-authored publications about consumer citizens, rhythm economy and post-industrial artistic society, in Finnish: Kuluttajakansalaiset tulevat (EVA 2010), Rytmitalous (SEURE 2013), and Jälkiteollinen artistiyhteiskunta (STEA 2018).

Ilkka serves as the CEO of Prime Frontier Oy and Future Works Oy, and is also involved with Mäkelä Alu Oy, AIWOODS Oy, and Emill Solutions Oy, among others.

Ilkka Halava, CEO, CBC, Futurist, Foresight Coach

+358 40 8327474


Ilkka is a futurist, business coach, board influencer, and a long-standing star in the Finnish speaking circuit. He is a societal influencer, thought leader, and a trusted partner for many organisations.

Ilkka has been the most popular speaker in Finland for over 12 years based on the number of speaking engagements. Friends and colleagues have described him as a warm-hearted radical and a like-minded thinker.

Together with Mika Pantzar, he has co-authored publications about consumer citizens, rhythm economy and post-industrial artistic society, in Finnish: Kuluttajakansalaiset tulevat (EVA 2010), Rytmitalous (SEURE 2013), and Jälkiteollinen artistiyhteiskunta (STEA 2018).

Ilkka serves as the CEO of Prime Frontier Oy and Future Works Oy, and is also involved with Mäkelä Alu Oy, AIWOODS Oy, and Emill Solutions Oy, among others.

Ilkka Halava, CEO, CBC, Futurist, Foresight Coach

+358 40 8327474


Ilkka is a futurist, business coach, board influencer, and a long-standing star in the Finnish speaking circuit. He is a societal influencer, thought leader, and a trusted partner for many organisations.

Ilkka has been the most popular speaker in Finland for over 12 years based on the number of speaking engagements. Friends and colleagues have described him as a warm-hearted radical and a like-minded thinker.

Together with Mika Pantzar, he has co-authored publications about consumer citizens, rhythm economy and post-industrial artistic society, in Finnish: Kuluttajakansalaiset tulevat (EVA 2010), Rytmitalous (SEURE 2013), and Jälkiteollinen artistiyhteiskunta (STEA 2018).

Ilkka serves as the CEO of Prime Frontier Oy and Future Works Oy, and is also involved with Mäkelä Alu Oy, AIWOODS Oy, and Emill Solutions Oy, among others.

Ilkka Halava, CEO, CBC, Futurist, Foresight Coach

+358 40 8327474


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